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Our mission is to provide a comprehensive guidance program that will empower all students in developing the academic skills, personal growth, and positive relationships needed to become successful leaders. Every student has the ability to reach their potential with the support of educators, parents, guardians, and other community partnerships.

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Need anything? Contact us today:

Refer someone (or yourself) for mental, social or emotional counseling help.

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Meet our team!

Nancy Garcia Puhvel

Hi Branciforte Bees! My name is Nancy Garcia Puhvel and I am so happy to serve as your student’s school counselor.  I have been at Branciforte Middle since 2018 and have also worked within the district at the high school and elementary level since 2007.  I thoroughly enjoy working with middle school aged students.  Middle school can be challenging, fun, and rewarding at the same time.  There is so much growth happening!  I enjoy getting to know all of our students and helping them with their social emotional needs and academic goals.  

As a Counselor and first-generation college graduate, I understand the necessity for youth to have access to supportive educators that will not only be positive role models but also strong advocates in their academic and personal growth. I am bilingual in Spanish and take pride in connecting with families of diverse backgrounds.

My goal is to help our students build up their character, self-confidence, and motivation to succeed and be the best version of themselves.  I look forward to meeting with you.  I am on campus Monday through Friday.


Please feel free to reach out to me either by email or phone!

(831) 429-3883 x52124


¡Hola familias de Branciforte! Mi nombre es Nancy García Puhvel y estoy muy feliz de servir como consejera escolar de su estudiante. He estado en Branciforte Middle desde 2018 y también he trabajado dentro del distrito en el nivel de escuela secundaria (High School) y primaria desde 2007. Disfruto muchísimo trabajar con estudiantes en edad de escuela intermedia. La escuela secundaria puede ser desafiante, divertida y gratificante al mismo tiempo. ¡Está ocurriendo tanto crecimiento! Disfruto conocer a todos nuestros estudiantes y ayudarlos con sus necesidades socioemocionales y metas académicas.

Como consejera y graduada universitaria de primera generación, entiendo la necesidad de que los jóvenes tengan acceso a educadores que los apoyen y que no solo sean modelos positivos sino también firmes defensores de su crecimiento académico y personal. Soy bilingüe en español y me enorgullece conectarme con familias de diversos orígenes.

Mi objetivo es ayudar a nuestros estudiantes a desarrollar su carácter, confianza en sí mismos y motivación para triunfar y ser la mejor versión de sí mismos. Espero reunirme contigo. Estoy en la escuela de lunes a viernes.

¡No dudes en comunicarte conmigo por correo electrónico o por teléfono!

(831) 429-3883 x52124

Laura Gradiska 


Hi Branciforte Bees, 


My name is Laura Gradiska and I am one of the School Counselors at Branciforte Middle. I am so excited to meet and work with B40 students, families, and staff. Middle school is such a crucial time for students' social-emotional, career, and academic development- I'm grateful to be able to support students during these years. I love developing connections with students so they have a positive adult to talk to on campus; I am also passionate about collaborating as a team to help students thrive in our school and community. My goal is not only to be there for students in crisis, but to help teach and develop tools for all students to use to cope and be prepared to take their next step in their adolescent and academic journey. 


I work at B40 on Tuesdays and Fridays, and at Soquel High School on the other days of the week. I am looking forward to meeting students and families this year and being a part of this awesome school and community! Please feel free to reach out to me via email or phone.

(831)-429-3883 x52221

Hola familias de Branciforte,


Mi nombre es Laura Gradiska y soy una de las consejeras escolares de Branciforte Middle. Estoy muy emocionada de conocer y trabajar con todos los estudiantes, las familias y el personal de B40. La escuela secundaria es un momento crucial para el desarrollo socioemocional, profesional y académico de los estudiantes. Estoy agradecido de poder apoyar a los estudiantes durante estos años. Me encanta desarrollar conexiones con los estudiantes para que tengan un adulto positivo con quien hablar en la escuela; También me apasiona colaborar en equipo para ayudar a los estudiantes a prosperar en nuestra escuela y comunidad. Mi objetivo no es solo estar ahí para los estudiantes en crisis, sino también ayudar y enseñar estrategias para que todos los estudiantes las utilicen para afrontar difíciles situaciones y estar preparados para dar el siguiente paso en su trayectoria adolescente y académica.


Trabajo en B40 los martes y viernes, y en Soquel High School los demás días de la semana. ¡Espero conocer a los estudiantes y las familias este año y ser parte de esta increíble escuela y comunidad! No dude en comunicarse conmigo por correo electrónico o por teléfono.

(831)-429-3883 x52221


What types of supportive programs are offered?

The Middle School Counseling program is designed to focus on improving school climate, social adjustment, and improving academic performance. Grade level programs focus on academic, careers, college and social/emotional development.

Some of the program components include:

All Grades:

  • Anti-bullying month

  • Self-care planning

  • College awareness week

  • Goal setting (academic & personal)

  • Building school connectedness

6th Grade:

  • 5-6th grade transition planning

  • Second Step—Social Emotional learning curriculum


7th Grade:

  • College & Career exploration

8th Grade:

  • Mindfulness curriculum

  • A-G requirements

  • 8th –9th Grade transition planning

Mental Health

Why would I see a school counselor?

For Students:
Students may see the counselor for small group and individual counseling to assist with a variety of concerns and problems, including:

  • Friendships

  • Family

  • Problem solving

  • Academic support

  • Grief and loss

  • Conflict resolution

  • Trauma support

  • Emotional support (i.e. feelings of sadness/suicide prevention)

For Parents:


If a parent has an academic, social, or personal concern about their child, they are encouraged to contact the counseling office. The counseling office will help to arrange parent- teacher meetings, small group or individual counseling, as well as outside referrals to appropriate community resources.

How can I see a school counselor?

Students can see the counselor in any of the following ways:

  • Self-referral

  • Request of the counselor

  • Parent referral

  • Administrative referral

  • Teacher or staff referral

  • Referral by friend(s)


There are two counseling self-referral boxes. One is located outside of the counseling offices and the other is inside the library. There are forms to complete to drop in for the request.

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